This trip takes us through the Northern arms of the Nahuel Huapi Lake in Northern Patagonia. The Nahuel Huapi National Park is surrounded by mountains of the Andes range that are cover with snow most of the year. A region dominated by lakes of glacial origin and dense native forest with unique species.

These vast lands give us a great opportunity to discover them by kayak and experience nature in a truly deep way. Camping along the way, we will have the possibility to explore the mountains by hiking and even sharing some time with settlers that have been living by the lake since the begging of the XXth Century. Just when we think that fun is finishing we will visit an amazing protected area, Los Arrayanes National Park, where we will find an incredible unique forest of Chilean Myrtle trees.

A full week full of wilderness, active tourism and fun!

Day 1: Transfer to Villa La Angostura. Get all the gear ready for the kayaking activity. Practice by the beach. Getting ready for the crossing! Night at camping.

Day 2: We will start paddling northwards getting in the Última Esperanza arm. Then, turn towards the West, paddling by the Panguinal Peninsula and getting into the Rincón arm, where we will camp. (Total paddling distance 20km approximately).

Day 3: After breaking down the camp we will load our kayaks, get out of the Rincón arm, and paddle Southeast, exploring the southern coasts. There, we will live our kayaks and we will hike until the mountain refuge of Dormilón Mountain (1400 meters high/ 4200 feet). Night at mountain refuge. (Total paddling distance 10km approximately).

Day 4: We will hike until the top of the mountain (1767 meters high/ 5300 feet). From there, we will descend to the kayaks. We will set the camp by the lake.

Day 5: In the morning we will paddle southwards, crossing the Machete arm until Chavbol settlers camp. We will set the camp there, and enjoy the kindness of this family that will show us their humble home. (Total paddling distance 20km approximately).

Day 6: After breakfast we will get ready for a full day hiking in Colorado Mt. This mountain will offer us beautiful panoramic views once we leave the forest behind.

Day 7: Today, we will come back to civilization. In our way we will make a visit to Los Arrayanes National Park, and then we will get inside Bahía Mansa, to paddle back in its protected waters until Villa La Angostura. Celebration dinner. Night at Villa La Angostura. (Total paddling distance 20km approximately).

Day 8: Transfer out to Bariloche Airport. End or our services. Fin.


Level of fitness: Intermediate
Best time of the year to come: Spring-Summer-Fall
Duration: 7 nights, 8 days
Distance by kayak: 70 km approximately
Gear required: ask us to send you the list of the program.