We are travelers. In many ways we define ourselves from experiences we have shared in places near or far to ours, but different from each other. Traveling has enriched us, helping us in our self-discovery. Generate this opportunity to welcome other travelers is our great motivation.

We believe that our region offers many possibilities for those seeking adventure; from its inhabitants, its peoples and its complex culture, to the extraordinary landscapes. This vast extension of wilderness gives us an infinite setting to enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities.


What motivates us to undertake a trip? Although the reasons are usually diverse, some thoughts are always there when we think about visiting other places: Discovering landscapes, knowing the culture, sharing experiences, delighting us with new flavors or encouraging us to try doing what we have never done… Travel is always an opportunity to get to know us better… contact with other realities helps us to see our reality in a more global way.

A trip always gives us the possibility to grow, without ceasing to be us, meet new people and places, and embrace diversity. When the time comes we return home with new experiences and memories that over time will help us to strengthen our vision of ourselves. We know all these because we live it in each of our own travels!


Those who integrate our work team are people with whom we have shared unforgettable experiences. Living together in long journeys and sharing outdoor crossings has allowed us to generate very close bonds with friends who share our goals, values and life philosophy. That is why we trust fully in their work and we are open to their contributions, which enrich us as a team and give us new perspectives of planning and development.



We are tourism experts; we have been working in field for many years now. We believe that there are ways to carry it out that can have positive social, environmental and economic impacts. The development of the local community, the local economy and the protection of the natural environment are fundamental pillars that guide our decisions.

The fair deal with our coworkers and colleagues, the supply of local producers and the careful planning of our activities in the wilderness to minimize the impact on the natural environment are the main ways to achieve these goals.


We design carefully the different itineraries. We want to create trips that adjust in the best way to the possibilities of every single passenger, fitting their fitness level, time availability or personal interests. Doing activities in the nature is our main goal in our programs.

Our way traveled has allowed us discover a lot of natural places and corners of our region, that’s why we know exactly what we want to show you and how to do it. And so we can fulfill our desire to share with you what we enjoy so much and what delight us. That’s why we invite you to participate in our adventures, entering the most beautiful corners of our natural environment.