Our tour starts in San Carlos de Bariloche, the main city of the lake district in patagonia. Since the early years the first settlers, most of them with european background, noted the importance of conserving  patagonian landscapes for the future. The whole area around the city was named National Park, one of the first ones in América. In addition many other areas where protected as National Parks or protected areas, creating a hugh corredor of wild areas for conservancy.

This expedition starts We driving along the famous route 40, the largest in the country in one of the most beautiful sections. Then we will turn into a gravel route that surrounds the Mascardi lake, getting further into the heart of patagonian andes. Pampa linda is a small settlement, with a hostería, camping and ranger house. There we will start our hike. The trail cross the Castaño Overa river and then starts going up through a dense valdivian forest. The campsite is place in a beautiful spot on the shore of the Ilon lagoon, into the lenga forest. The second stage we will hike through the high altitude forest, with a great overview of the valleys and mountains around. In the afternoon we will reach the “Paso de las Nubes” (The cloud´s passage) where was builded the Rocca mountain hut, an breathtaking viewpoint in front of glaciers of Tronador peak. Next morning we will hike up to reach the summit of Constitución peak. The way up goes over the timberland on a rocky landscape, so we will have an impressive scenic view all around us.

This peak is located right in front of  Tronador, the main peak of the area which is cover with big glaciers, so we will have a privilege viewpoint to see it. Last day it is mainly going down, we will follow the Frias river all the way to Frias lake. There we will take a boat to cross the lake and then a bus for 3 km (1,8 miles) to get the Nahuel Huapi lake. In Puerto Blest we will take a bigger boat to sail back to Bariloche traveling across the Blest arm of the Nahuel Huapi lake. This is the largest lake of the area, and this arm one of the wildest, surrounded by high mountains cover with pristine patagonian forest. The boat leave us in Puerto Pañuelo, 25 km away from Bariloche downtown. We will drive back to the hotel.

Day 1: Transfer by car from Bariloche to Pampa Linda. It is 80 km (50 miles) far from downtown and it takes around 2:30 hs. Hike up to Ilon lagoon camp (1385 mts,4540 ft). Set up the tents, night in the camp.

Pampa Linda: 850 mts/2790 ft
Ilon lagoon camp: 1385 mts/4540 ft
Elevation gain: 535 mts/1755 ft (up)

Day 2: Hike to Paso de las Nubes. Night at Rocca mountain hut.

Ilon lagoon: 1385 mts/4540 ft
Rocca Hut: 1430 mts/4700 ft
Elevation gain:  860 mts/ 2821 ft (up). 830 mts/ 2723 ft (down)

Day 3: Hike up to Constitución peak. Back down to Rocca mountain hut. Night at the hut.

Rocca hut: 1430 mts/4540 ft
Constitución peak: 1890 mts/ 6200 ft
Elevation gain: 460 mts/ 1660 ft

Day 4: Hike down into Frias Valley to Puerto Frias. Short ride on boat to Puerto Alegre. Short ride in a bus to Puerto Blest. Navigation in Nahuel Huapi lake to Bariloche through Blest arm. Arrive at Puerto Pañuelo. Transfer to the hotel. Night in Bariloche.

Rocca hut: 1430 mts/4540 ft
Frías port: 785 mts/ 2575 ft
Elevation gain: 645 mts/ 1965 ft (down)


Level of fitness: Intermediate
Best time of the year to come: Spring-Summer-Fall
Duration: 4 days
Gear required: ask us to send you the list of the program.